Thursday, August 29, 2024

Savings And Much More

Savings and much more is what you will find in this incredible program. So much to choose from you will need several days to see everything. It is such an incredible program for everyone. You will not believe what you can find here. So much value for the things you already pay for only in most cases way cheaper. You can even find savings for your pet(s).

If you think this is for you, activate the membership right here. You are in for a mind blowing experience.

The value is in this great club. Follow the next steps and become part of this membership club:

First you need to select the level you want to start with. You can always upgrade later. There is Gold, Platinum and Titanium. Starting with Gold you get lots of savings as well. Just start and see everything you can start saving on. You will also see the training and great support.

Now you can start using all the benefits in the level you have selected. Begin in the insurance area for Car and Home. For Medical you can join the discount program. See how much you will save on each type of insurance for you and your family. Insurance is a must and therefore you need to find the lower amount to pay. And have some extra money each month for other essentials.

You need the details, get them here:

savings and benefits image of some bills in a stack and the word Savings in front of it

  • With the savings you will get from the car/home insurance. You will be able to help pay for other pressing expenses.

  • The program must be used the right way in order to have many people truly benefit from this program. You can actually build your way to time and financial freedom with our online program.

  • More details on each level that would help you decide which one is best for you. Training is also included; you are never alone.

GOLD MEMBERSHIP is the first level, only $20 (USD) per Month. Includes The Following:

  • Travel Savings Portal: You can find deal for up to 50%

  • Dining, Shopping, & Entertainment: This club has so many places to save for eating and stores you already use. You will love this program.

  • Free Apps to join as well. Great for rewards, points and so much more.

Now the above information is only for those who join without using this link. If you use this link you will get the above plus the following will be included in the GOLD Membership:

  • Auto & Home Insurance: Since these are group rates, in most cases, you can actually save with auto and home insurances. With you being part of my group, with only a GOLD membership, you have access to these member only rates for Insurance.

  • Name Brand Shopping Discounts: Huge savings from many name brands. Of course all this is exclusive for members. Some of these places have never given discounts like they are doing now with our membership.

  • Health and Dental Savings: This is something we have been working on for a long time. With this group rate for our amazing and very large membership, now we can all finally get coverage. We have the program to help many families get health and dental coverage that they can truly be part of. 

  • Domains, Hosting & SSLs: Great costs are made available for these services through the membership options. Though for additional services, or businesses, this is an incredibly LOW-COST way to benefit.

Obviously with so much that we are offering. We need to train on all this all the time! It is a lot for only one training, but the value here is not only everything you can save on, but the low price for the membership access.

  • Credit Repair Software: This is here to help everyone who needs to repair their credit. Now you can remove some of the negative items you have on your Credit Report. In the process you can even have your score increase. You can do this just by submitting some documents and following the legal system. 

  • Lower Business Bills: Now with this amazing Program, Business Costs can be much lower than what they are paying now. Some of the bills would be:

    • 1. Mobile / Cell Phone

    • 2. Telecom

    • 3. TV

    • 4. Internet

    • 5. Landline

    • 6. Satellite TV

    • 7. Satellite RADIO

    • 8. Payroll

    • 9. Merchant Accounts

    • 10. Security Systems

    • 11. Storage Units

    • 12. Web Services

    • 13. Waste Management

    • 14. Lawn Care

    • 15. Pest Control

    • 16. Information Technology Services

    • 17. Subscriptions & Memberships

    • 18. Water Delivery (5-Gallon Bottles, Etc.)

    • 19. Linen and Uniform Cleaning

    • 20. Staffing

    • 21. Heating Oil

    • 22. Propane Gas

    • 23. Other Recurring Bills

PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP only $100 (USD) A Month. Includes:

Enroll by using this link, and get everything in the GOLD Membership plus:

Titanium and Platinum Wholesale Travel: So much Travel Savings Perks in these sections. You will be happy with the benefits here. Especially if you are a frequent flier. Using airlines, car rentals, vacation packages, cruise ships and so much more.

Free Marketing System: Great marketing method in this area, but you need to be involved in trainings.

Mentors Club: This is the training section that you will find so much knowledge in. You will soon know that this is education that not everyone has to help others build a great Business. Because you can never get too much training.

TITANIUM MEMBERSHIP for only $199 (USD) Per Month. Includes:

Enroll by using this link and get everything in the Platinum Membership plus the following:

Titanium / Legal/Roadside/Medical: This adds to the already incredible savings and benefits of the program. This is an incredible benefits portal. It is accessible online and through an iOS or Android smartphone app.

You Want More, You Are Getting More:

  • New Benefits Rx: Prices are getting higher and higher, but in this section you will find relief. Here you can check for the meds and the Pharmacies that are part of this Member Pricing.

  • Legal Services: Great benefit for almost anything legal. You will have Lawyers that are experienced, but charge discounted rates. Looking to get simple wills and trusts they can help you. Not only that but traffic tickets, bankruptcy, divorce, and spousal and child support.

  • Global Travel Assistance: Protect and have peace of mind as you are traveling. Call program and exclusive access.

  • Vision, Prescription and Dental: Savings on vision, Dental and Meds.

  • So much more, you need to see.

*DISCLAIMER: This is a member-only savings and benefits program. We are not insurance agents and will not publish or share information with anyone outside of the membership. The rates and savings are for Members Only. And even though there may be exceptions at some locations worldwide on some programs, you can still save. We are more than satisfied with the value that the memberships provide to individuals, couples, and families. But you need to use them in order to see the value that each level has. Also, this is not a guarantee of savings, earnings, health, or increased credit score. All results vary.

Try this link and see how much you can save.

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